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Case Study

How the USDA Simplified Their Guaranteed Loans Processing

Rural Development (RD) had been operating without a standardized system for electronic document management. Individuals and teams within RD used paper and file cabinets to store and organize information, in addition to a variety of self-selected digital tools (such as shared drives).

The Challenge

USDA processors were burdened with manual processing of loan transactions, leading to inefficiencies in routing documents, data entry, and overall processing time.

The Solution

QFlow implemented a tailored electronic document imaging and workflow application, automating processes like Loan Modification, Special Forbearance, and Debt Settlement. The system OCRs documents, extracts data, and routes them based on document type, reducing manual input and improving accuracy.

The platform featured automated workflows within QAction that routed secure, digitized documents to parties for the appropriate approvals and filing. For the first time, Rural Development had a central repository containing all loan documentation that also kept borrower personally identifiable information (PII) such as social security numbers and banking data secure. Each document also stood as the single source of truth—preventing multiple versions or copies from causing confusion or duplicate work.

 The Results

The application enabled electronic storage and routing of documents, eliminating the need for manual handling or mailing. Processors no longer need to manually key data, improving efficiency and accuracy. Supervisors gained better workload management tools, and managers can easily analyze processor performance metrics.


Through QFlow's solution, USDA's Guaranteed Loans department achieved a significant improvement in processing efficiency, accuracy, and managerial oversight. The transition from manual to automated processes underscores the importance of embracing innovative solutions to enhance government services and support rural development effectively.

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